Business Information
Regular ticket
Last update time:2024/08/08
Single Ticket
For full ticket, child ticket, elderly ticket, courtesy ticket, a function of simultaneous booking and collecting the ticket for a round trip, each of which is calculated based on full price of one-way ticket, is provided by this council. Fare/mileage calculation
Replacement ticket
If a passenger gets on the train without a ticket and proactively applies to the train conductor or the ticket inspector for a fare adjustment of ticket, the ticket fare from the departure station to the arrival station will be reimbursed. If there is no justifiable reason or a fare adjustment of ticket is only applied at the time of ticket inspection, an additional 50% of the ticket fare for the already-travelled interval should be paid apart from the ticket fare ought to be reimbursed. When the departure station is unknown, it should be counted from the starting station or the station where the ticket inspection is lastly completed.