Business Information

Regular ticket

Last update time:2024/07/03

Handling fee of refund

  1. Fare for Ordinary Train: free of charge.
  2. Fare for Express Train (non-seated): free of charge.
  3. Fare for Express Train of reserved seat: changed from NT$13 per ticket to charging by phases according to the number of days before the day of traveling.
    1. On the day of traveling: 20% of the fare of each ticket will be charged with a minimum of NT$20.
    2. 2 to 3 days before the day of travelling (the first day is regarded as the day of travelling, same as below): 10% of the fare of each ticket will be charged with a minimum of NT$20.
    3. 4 to 12 days before the day of travelling: NT$ 20 per ticket.
    4. 13 days or more before the day of travelling: NT$ 10 per ticket.
  4. Non-punched tickets for ordinary trains are eligible for a refund at the departure station on the same day of boarding. Train tickets of reserved seats are eligible for a refund before the departure of the train on the same day. No refund will be available for overdue tickets.
  5. If the train ticket is lost during travelling, and it is found after fare adjustment, the application for refund will be calculated based on the standard of returning on the same day of boarding. However, the ticket of adjusted fare should be signed by the conductor, and it is specified to arrange the refund at the arrival station.
  6. If the amount of refund is lower than the handling fee of ticket return, no refund will be available, and no handling fee will be charged.

Table 1: Summary table of standard of handling fee for ticket refund for general tickets (not applicable for group tickets)

Table 1: Summary table of standard of handling fee for ticket refund for general tickets (not applicable for group tickets)
Aspects of ticket return Handling fee of ticket return (per ticket) Remarks
Ordinary Train and Express Train (non-seated) Free of charge  
Refund on the day of travelling 20% of ticket fare Not lower than NT$ 20.
2 to 3 days before the day of travelling 10% of ticket fare Not lower than NT$ 20.
4 to 12 days before the day of travelling NT$ 20  
13 days or more before the day of travelling NT$ 10  
Round-trip ticket (seated on both trips) Sum up respectively the number of days before the day of travelling.  
Project refund 20% of ticket fare Not lower than NT$ 20.
Manual refund of ticket before departure of the train According to the number of days before the day of travelling and if there is any seat charging for the handling fee of ticket return  
Apply for a refund after change of travelling Handling fee is charged according to the basis date on the ticket The ticket is printed with the words “* month, day”

Table 2: Deadline and processing method of refund and change of travelling (not applicable for group tickets)

Table 2: Deadline and processing method of refund and change of travelling (not applicable for group tickets)
Behavior of passenger Time of acceptance If handling fee is charged Remarks
Refund Express Train: before departure of the train Charge according to the standard of handling fee for ticket refund  
Ordinary Train: within the effective time period
Change of travelling First application Free of charge Change of travelling is not accepted less than 30 minutes before departure of the train, while ticket refund can be applied before departure of the train.
Second application The handling fee is charged based on the standard day on the ticket after the first change. However, if the travelling date after the change of travelling is earlier than the original date of travelling, the travelling will be changed or refunded again, and the handling fee will be calculated according to the date of travelling after change.  
30 minutes before departure of the train Not accepted  

Ticket refund on typhoon days

  1. Passengers can go to the station for a refund after the announcement of the typhoon warning over the sea of Taiwan Island. The original train is located between the announcement of the typhoon warning over the sea of Taiwan Island and the removal of the typhoon warning over the sea. Passengers who cannot catch the original train on time or is not able to take the original train because of the suspension of the train, can take the unused train ticket to the ticket counter of any of the stations to apply for a full refund within one year from the day of travelling with the handling fee waived. If the date of the ticket to be refunded cannot be confirmed if it is within period of typhoon warning over the sea, the handling fee for refund should be charged first. After the typhoon warning over the sea is removed, passengers can return the handling fee of refund with the refund certificate in accordance with the typhoon refund policy.
  2. For passengers applying for a refund or cancelling the payment on the online payment system before the announcement of the typhoon warning over the sea of Taiwan Island, the handling fee should be charged regardless of whether the requirement that the train is within the time period of the typhoon warning over the sea of Taiwan Island is complied.
  3. For passengers going to post office selling tickets outside or any supermarket and convenience store for a refund during the typhoon warning over the sea of Taiwan Island, the handling fee of refund should be charged. Please go to the station to arrange for the refund such that the handling fee of refund can be waived.
  4. In case the train ticket not yet taken but completed with online payment complies with the typhoon refund policy, please go to the online payment ticketing system to complete the cancellation of credit card payment. The handling fee of refund will be refunded by the statistical bath of this council. The amount will be unified to return to the credit card account of the passengers in the next month.
  5. For any trip of a round-trip ticket complies with the typhoon refund policy, the round-trip ticket can be taken to the station for a full refund.

Air-conditioning fee

When there is a fault for the air-conditioning of the trains at different grades, passengers who have a train ticket for the seat of the car compartment with the fault of the air-conditioning, can go to the arrival station to arrange for the refund of the air-conditioning fee for the section without the supply of conditioned air. The refund is calculated based on “20% of the ticket fare for the section of the train with a fault of air-conditioning, which is rounded off and returned to the passenger”.

Refund due to repeated seat number

When a ticket of Express Train bought by a passenger is found to be repeated in seat number after boarding and the train conductor has no spare seats available for a change, the ticket after signed by the train conductor can arrange for a refund of 20% of the ticket fare at the arrival station.

Change of ticket

  1. One-way ticket: change of ticket should be under the principle of no change in travelling interval (same departure and arrival stations) with application of change in all or one of train number, date (limited to the pre-sale date of this council), train type and ticket type. Only one free change is provided. Handling fee will be charged for each of the ticket according to the regulation of handling fee for refund in the second application.
  2. The time limit of application for change of ticket is 30 minutes before the departure of the train at the latest. In case of less than 30 minutes, refund to passenger is only accepted until departure of the train on that day.
  3. When passengers apply for refund after change of travelling date, the handling fee will be calculated according to the date of purchase of the ticket. However, if the changed date of travelling is earlier than the original date of travelling, the handling fee will be calculated according to the date of travelling after change.