Business Information
Parcel shipping fees
Last update time:2024/05/04
Parcel rates:Ordinary parcel rates: table 1
Mileage | Weight | Rate | Sales Tax | Total |
1-300Km | under 10Kg | 67 | 3 | 70 |
11-20kg | 76 | 4 | 80 | |
21-30kg | 86 | 4 | 90 | |
301-600Km | under 10Kg | 76 | 4 | 80 |
11-20kg | 86 | 4 | 90 | |
21-30kg | 95 | 5 | 100 | |
over 601Km | under 10Kg | 86 | 4 | 90 |
11-20kg | 95 | 5 | 100 | |
21-30kg | 105 | 5 | 110 |
- Passengers luggage or belonging when consign for shipment as parcel, it shall be calculated as 50% rate of the ordinary parcel rate, the weight of each item shall not exceed 30kg.
- Passengers luggage is limited to passenger holding fixed seat ticket, passengers holding non fixed seat ticket, regular ticket, electronic ticket, special concessionary ticket (1 day pass of branch line, TR-PASS) do not accept passenger parcel consignment, it may only send as ordinary parcel.
- Passengers holding full fare fixed seat ticket, the parcel is limited to three items per person, total weight shall be limited to 40kg. Passengers holding concessionary ticket, the parcel is limited to two items per person, total weight shall be limited to 20kg. When consign with group ticket or with two or above tickets, it may based on the total number of people listed on the group ticket or combine the quantity and weight of each ticket consignment to calculate.
- Mileage of passenger parcel is calculate based on the billing mileage of fixed seat ticket to calculate mileage, if the quantity or weight of consignment exceed limitation, or the designated arrival station exceed the ticket of arrival station, the exceeding portion each shall be calculated per the parcel rate of ordinary parcel rate, the weight of each item shall not exceed 30kg.
Passengers luggage Rate:Passengers parcel rates: table 2
Mileage | Weight | Rate | Sales Tax | Total |
1-300Km | under 10Kg | 33 | 2 | 35 |
11-20kg | 38 | 2 | 40 | |
21-30kg | 43 | 2 | 45 | |
301-600Km | under 10Kg | 38 | 2 | 40 |
11-20kg | 43 | 2 | 45 | |
21-30kg | 48 | 2 | 50 | |
over 601Km | under 10Kg | 43 | 2 | 45 |
11-20kg | 48 | 2 | 50 | |
21-30kg | 52 | 3 | 55 |
- Passengers luggage or belonging when consign for shipment as parcel, it shall be calculated as 50% rate of the ordinary parcel rate, the weight of each item shall not exceed 30kg.
- Passengers luggage is limited to passenger holding fixed seat ticket, passengers holding non fixed seat ticket, regular ticket, electronic ticket, special concessionary ticket (1 day pass of branch line, TR-PASS) do not accept passenger parcel consignment, it may only send as ordinary parcel.
- Passengers holding full fare fixed seat ticket, the parcel is limited to three items per person, total weight shall be limited to 40kg. Passengers holding concessionary ticket, the parcel is limited to two items per person, total weight shall be limited to 20kg. When consign with group ticket or with two or above tickets, it may based on the total number of people listed on the group ticket or combine the quantity and weight of each ticket consignment to calculate.
- Mileage of passenger parcel is calculate based on the billing mileage of fixed seat ticket to calculate mileage, if the quantity or weight of consignment exceed limitation, or the designated arrival station exceed the ticket of arrival station, the exceeding portion each shall be calculated per the parcel rate of ordinary parcel rate, the weight of each item shall not exceed 30kg.
When handling passenger parcel, it shall be marked on the parcel ticket with: “passenger parcel ticket number: 000000”. Drama equipment accompanying drama group to travel together, shall be send as passenger parcel, but the length, volume or weight exceeding limitation, the weight shall be counted as double. Drama equipment not traveling with drama group, shall be sent and calculated light and bulky parcel.
Other parcel rates:
- Precious items and animal parcel rates
Precious items and animal parcel rates Mileage Weight Rate Sales Tax Total 1-300Km under 10Kg 133 7 140 11-20kg 152 8 160 21-30kg 171 9 180 301-600Km under 10Kg 152 8 160 11-20kg 171 9 180 21-30kg 190 10 200 over 601Km under 10Kg 171 9 180 11-20kg 190 10 200 21-30kg 210 10 220 - Precious items: double calculation of ordinary parcel rate.
- Animals :
- Animals (except dogs): consignor agrees that indemnification for accident shall be NTD150 per kg for the actual weight, maximum indemnification shall be NTD3,000 for each head, each head shall be double counting based on ordinary parcel rate. If consignor does not wish to agree to the above indemnification, each head shall be double counting based on ordinary parcel rate..
- Dogs: each head shall be double counting based on ordinary parcel rate as 30kg. If the weight is over 30kg including container, it shall be double counting based on ordinary parcel rate for actual weight (progressive for each 10kg), loading and unloading, and transfer shall be the responsible of consignor. If consignor consigns dog with container does not wish to agree to the limitation of indemnification, each head shall be double counting based on ordinary parcel rate as 30kg. The total weight including container shall not exceed 30kg.
- For academic study, it shall be calculated based on ordinary parcel rate.
Remarks:- Consignor who consigns animal shall prepare sturdy and pressure-resistant cages, boxes, and tightly tied, otherwise TR may refuse to accept consignment.
- Animals that are charged per head shall be marked on consignment ticket with: “Indemnification for accidents shall be NTD150 per kg of actual weight, each head shall be limited to NTD3,000”.
- Newly born (including breastfeeding) with high dead rate or easily scare (cat) pet, according to the Animal Protection Act, TR does not accept consignment.
- Light and bulky item parcel rates: calculate as round number of discount rate based on ordinary parcel rate. Rate table 4.
Light and bulky item parcel rates (non-deliver) Discount rate 3 fold 4 fold Mileage Weight Rate Sales Tax Total Rate Sales Tax Total 1-300Km under 10Kg 200 10 210 267 13 280 11-20kg 229 11 240 305 15 320 21-30kg 257 13 270 343 17 360 301-600Km under 10Kg 229 11 240 305 15 320 11-20kg 257 13 270 343 17 360 21-30kg 286 14 300 381 19 400 over 601Km under 10Kg 257 13 270 343 17 360 11-20kg 286 14 300 381 19 400 21-30kg 314 16 330 419 21 440 - Newspapers:
- Not counting mileage, every kg shall be calculated as NTD10 (tax inclusive), with minimum charge of NTD40 (tax inclusive). However, video tapes, CDs/DVDs and memory cards shall be calculated as NTD20 (tax inclusive), with minimum charge of NTD50 (tax inclusive).
- Special delivery newspapers, based on the total weight listed on the consignment form.
- Coffins or corpses:
- Each body of 10 km as calculation unit.
- For academic study, crime investigation or judicial evaluation, each body shall be NTD300 (tax inclusive) for every 10km, with minimum charge of NTD350 (tax inclusive).
- Other body shall be NTD600 per km (tax inclusive), with minimum charge of NTD700 (tax inclusive).
- When consign coffin or corpse, it shall designated luggage carriage or luggage room, sign and receipt “Charter Fare” and charge for coffin or corpse.
Remarks:- Consignor shall make application four days before shipment to facilitate arrangement of car grouping.
- Station when receiving application for shipment of coffin or corpse, it shall report to combined dispatch office to request designated luggage carriage or luggage room, it shall only accept consignment after obtaining approval.
- Vehicles:
- Each vehicle shall be 10km as calculation unit.
- Bicycle and pram, each vehicle shall be NTD15 (tax inclusive) per 10km, with minimum charge of NTD55 (tax inclusive), tricycle, tandem bicycle (limited to three seats or with length under than 250cm), and electric bicycle under 30kg, every vehicle shall be NTD20 (tax inclusive) per 10km, with minimum charge of NTD60 (tax inclusive).Bicycle / tricycle rates
Bicycle rate Mileage Rate Sales Tax Total Mileage Rate Sales Tax Total under 30Km 52 3 55 240 343 17 360 40 57 3 60 250 357 18 375 50 71 4 75 260 371 19 390 60 86 4 90 270 386 19 405 70 100 5 105 280 400 20 420 80 114 6 120 290 414 21 435 90 129 6 135 300 429 21 450 100 143 7 150 310 443 22 465 110 157 8 165 320 457 23 480 120 171 9 180 330 471 24 495 130 186 9 195 340 486 24 510 140 200 10 210 350 500 25 525 150 214 11 225 360 514 26 540 160 229 11 240 370 529 26 555 170 243 12 255 380 543 27 570 180 257 13 270 390 557 28 585 190 271 14 285 400 571 29 600 200 286 14 300 410 586 29 615 210 300 15 315 420 600 30 630 220 314 16 330 430 614 31 645 230 329 16 345 440 629 31 660 Tricycle rate Mileage Rate Sales Tax Total Mileage Rate Sales Tax Total under 30Km 57 3 60 240 457 23 480 40 76 4 80 250 476 24 500 50 95 5 100 260 495 25 520 60 114 6 120 270 514 26 540 70 133 7 140 280 533 27 560 80 152 8 160 290 552 28 580 90 171 9 180 300 571 29 600 100 190 10 200 310 590 30 620 110 210 10 220 320 610 30 640 120 229 11 240 330 629 31 660 130 248 12 260 340 648 32 680 140 267 13 280 350 667 33 700 150 286 14 300 360 686 34 720 160 305 15 320 370 705 35 740 170 324 16 340 380 724 36 760 180 343 17 360 390 743 37 780 190 362 18 380 400 762 38 800 200 381 19 400 410 781 39 820 210 400 20 420 420 800 40 840 220 419 21 440 430 819 41 860 230 438 22 460 440 838 42 880 - Child car shall be calculated based on ordinary parcel rate。
Remarks:- Three wheels or four wheels electric scooter, due to difficulty of loading and unloading and transportation, do not accept consignment.
- Bicycle put in carrying bag shall still be calculated with bicycle rate.
- Empty food containers send back to originating station with approval of TR, may calculate 50% discount of ordinary parcel rate.